Most people want to express themselves and feel like they're being heard. One of the easiest ways of doing this is through online personal jounal publishing, or blogging. Blogs are an easy way to reach a large audience and share information.
There are millions of blogs all over the world, each made to reflect individual preferences and tastes. The blogger (the person who is blogging) can design their own web page, update their journals as often as they wish, choose the color scheme, and add photographs. The blogger is the designer, writer, and editor.
Blogs are also a useful means of communication. A blogger can choose to make the blog accessible to everyone, or a select group of readers. People who have trouble keeping in touch can use blogs as a way for friends to check in and see how the writer is doing. Readers can also be allowed to comment on the entries, allowing the writer to have feedback on their journal.
The corporate world has also gotten in on the act. Many companies have set up their own blogs to let customers know what's going on at the company. Whether it's telling the world about your day-to-day life or ranting about bad policies in your school, blogs can be the perfect outlet for you.
-by Ada Bello
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